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Poster Numbers 185 – 241 – People & places: Poster No: 198
Stress and burnout – a novel approach to an age old problem
  1. Susan Salt1,
  2. Carolyn Watt2 and
  3. Rosalind Matty3
  1. 1Trinity Hospice, Blackpool, UK
  2. 2St John's Hospice, Lancaster, UK
  3. 3Hospice 23, Crickhowell, UK


Background In a fast changing and unpredictable speciality stress related issues are increasingly common resulting in higher sickness levels and poor performance. There are many courses available for managing stress but none aimed at palliative care. Recognising that attending courses is often problematic we devised a day around exploring the issue to see this may help individuals be more aware of stress and how to manage it for themselves and in their teams.

Method A study day was devised for professionals to look at the underlying mechanisms of stress from psychological factors to the impact of organisational structures and team dynamics. It explores what may tip stress into burnout. There was guidance on ways individuals could identify their stress and manage it more effectively. The facilitators came from a variety of backgrounds including from the civil service. The day consisted of lectures, workshops, sharing of own experiences and discussion. This culminated in all the delegates engaging in a creative task of building a space in a box to hold what was most precious to them. (An outline of the day will be shown on the poster).

Results 18 delegates attended the day and there were 8 contributors who also joined in the sessions they were not leading. The evaluation of the day was overwhelmingly positive. People appreciated being able to share their stress as well as identifying possible precipitating factors. A number commented on being with people from other organisations and learning from each other.

Conclusion All the delegates would recommend the day to their colleagues, all felt that they have been given ways to identify and manage stress. What impact this had in the long term is unknown. However, the day is easily reproducible and a cost effective way to at least raise awareness of the issue.

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