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Poster Number 142 – 184 – Pain & symptom management: Poster No: 176
Ambulatory epidurals: an innovative alternative
  1. Anthony Thompson1,
  2. Alison Coackley1,
  3. Kosta Levshankov2,
  4. Chris Haywood1,
  5. Greg Barton2 and
  6. Margaret McConaghy1
  1. 1Willowbrook Hospice, Prescot, UK
  2. 2Whiston Hospital, Prescot, UK


Background Continuous epidural infusions are often delivered by pumps that require changing every 24 h. This limits patient independence and quality of life and provision in the community can be difficult. Alternatives can be extremely expensive with limited availability for example, implantable devices.

Methods The Accufuser Elastomeric Vacuum Pump device delivers a near linear infusion with a patented piston over 5.7 days. The infusion can be prepared aseptically in the Pharmacy department.

Discussion/Results This report describes the challenges and benefits of implementing a new approach to delivering epidural infusions in four patients. The device has been tolerated well, and used on four separate occasions. Longest duration of use was 14 weeks and is on-going. Robust device which is lightweight, easy to manage and does not depend on batteries. Good evaluation from patients. Easy, flexible drug titration. Combination of drugs can be varied according to compatibility studies. Change of device is managed easily by staff following appropriate training. The device is cost effective and allows patients to maintain mobility and independence. It has been accepted by community staff. This device has no significant safety issues or complications.

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