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Posters Abstracts - Community Engagement Strategies for Either Large, Diverse Populations or for Specific, Special Populations. Examples Include Neonatal or Pediatric Advance Care Planning, Care Planning with a New Immigrant Population, Planning with Patients before Implanting a Pace-Maker
Advance care planning measures towards enhancing good nutritional and health status of elderly people in Nigeria
  1. B Imonikebe1
  1. 1Delta State University, Abraska


The study investigated the measures that can be used to improve the nutritional and health status of old people in Nigeria. The sample comprised three hundred and eighty nine people, which included doctors, nurses, nutritionists, Home Economists, Students and elderly people. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was analysed by computing, the percentage and mean of the responses. Findings showed that some of the measures used by the old people in Nigeria in promoting and maintaining good nutritional and health status are as follows:- Old people should not eat too much of carbohydrate foods. They need to eat meals that contain leafy vegetables and also eating of fruits. They need to avoid eating between meals. Meals served must be varied and served promptly. Meals must be attractively served. Others are taking less strenuous regular exercise daily. Old people need to live with their children or relatives to avoid loneliness, avoidance of drinking of alcohol and smoking. They need regular medical checkup. It was recommended that people who have old people should provide comfortable accommodation for them and give them adequate care.

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