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Advanced care planning should be something all health professionals consider when interacting with their patients/clients. It should be a consideration when people are well; something that is encouraged to be discussed in the home amongst family members; and amongst the health care team in the event of chronic or terminal illness diagnosis. Accordingly, this poster will support the premise of the undergraduate educators at Edith Cowan University, that Advanced Care Planning must be integrated into the undergraduate pre-registration nursing education programme.
The findings to date are anecdotal and relate purely to student and graduate nurse feedback to lecturers. Integrating Advanced Care Planning into the undergraduate programme:
▶ assists in encouraging student and beginner-level nurses to consider the appropriateness of care for patients/clients
▶ assists in enabling nurses to encourage discussion about advanced care planning amongst the health care team, patients (and their families), and student families
▶ assists in encouraging student and beginner-level nurses in advocating for their patient/client wishes toward the end of life.