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Delayed radiation myelopathy: a case and treatment algorithm proposal
  1. María X Beltran1,
  2. Juan G SantaCruz1,
  3. Natalia Blackburn2,
  4. Maria Fernanda Santoyo Barco3 and
  5. Jairo R Moyano3
  1. 1 Palliative Care Service, Instituto de Cáncer Carlos Ardila Lülle, Hospital Universitario de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
  2. 2 Pain and Palliative Care Fellowship Program, Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia
  3. 3 Anesthesia Department, Pain Clinic Service, Hospital Universitario de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
  1. Correspondence to Dr Jairo R Moyano; jairo_moyano{at}


Delayed radiation myelopathy is a rare but severe complication that causes progressive and irreversible patient deterioration. Although it is an exclusion diagnosis, there are factors associated with radiation doses and administration areas that may reduce the risk of its incidence. To date, there is no known first-line and effective treatment available to alleviate the symptoms

  • pain
  • breast
  • clinical decisions
  • neurological conditions
  • quality of life
  • symptoms and symptom management

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  • Contributors MXB, JGSC, NB, MFSB and JRM contributed to the planning and the election of the clinical case, literature research, writing and algorithm creation for this clinical case.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.