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P-82 Evolution of frailty awareness programme into ageing well course through community collaboration
  1. Christine Novelli,
  2. Karen Bell and
  3. Kharlie Staves
  1. Isabel Hospice, Welwyn Garden City, UK


Frailty is a leading cause of death in older people and those with frailty are likely to form the largest proportion of people with palliative care need (British Geriatrics Society. End of life care in frailty: Identification and prognostication. [internet] 2020). The risk factors of frailty extend to beyond just physical ability and many can be addressed to potentially prevent or delay its onset (Age UK. Common conditions and frailty. [internet] 2020). Through collaboration and coordination of hospice expertise and three local service providers, a funded (Hospice UK Kirby Laing Foundation Grant, 2023) educational programme was offered to patients, Compassionate Café attendees, and the general public to address these risk factors.

Aims To:

  • Engage 70 people aged 65yrs+ with Rockwood Score (RS) 3–7.

  • Increase awareness of frailty risk factors and confidence to make behavioural changes.

  • Increase engagement into relevant services.

  • Develop strong collaborations and partnerships.

  • Reproduce model.

Method Trained clinical staff in use of RS. Delivered 3 x 8 self-selection sessions, promoted via leaflet, GPs and Social Prescribers:

  • Maintaining independence at home.

  • Falls prevention.

  • Looking after your body.

  • Managing anxiety and low mood.

  • Identifying loneliness and social withdrawal.

  • Advance care planning.

  • Memory loss and dementia awareness.

  • Supporting information and advice.

Created RS Self-Assessment and session evaluation forms. Applied Quality Improvement approach (Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership. A guide to quality improvement tools. 2020).

Results 18 clinical staff trained resulting in all new hospice patients assigned RS. 59 attendees to date. Targeted individuals directly as referrals from GPs disappointingly low. Adapted and rebranded 8 session programme to 5 week Ageing Well Course. Shared learning at ICB Frailty Board. Delivering new Ageing Well Course in three new locations.

Conclusion Key learnings to improve effective engagement for addressing frailty:

  • Change language – negatively perceived ‘Frailty’ changed to ‘Ageing Well’.

  • Earlier intervention encourages behavioural change – target Rockwood Score 2–5.

  • Good collaborations with Social Prescribers increases referrals.

  • Strong community support networks increase engagement and maintain involvement of individuals.

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