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Background Three East Sussex hospices are collaborating (National Palliative and End of Life Care Partnership. Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: A national framework for local action 2021–2022; Hospice UK. Future Vision Programme – Discovery phase. 2020) to develop Hospice Line, a shared 24/7 telephone support service. The first step was a 15-week pilot with a shared clinical nurse specialist (CNS) supporting staff at all three hospices. Key to this was the provision of a safe and effective process for the CNS to access patient records from each hospice’s SystmOne module. Following an options analysis we procured a bespoke out-of-hours module, which we configured to become the Hospice Line S1. But would it do the job?
Aims (1)To test whether Hospice Line S1 is fit-for-purpose. (2) To identify information access issues. (3) To test data-sharing arrangements.
Method A working group of clinical and data leads from each hospice mapped different advice-call scenarios to identify the information the CNS would need. Hospice Line S1 was configured to make this easily accessible. We also provided access to platforms at the two acute trusts for latest test results and medication (e-Searcher/ICE). Project specific data-sharing processes were agreed. Training and support were crucial elements to the pilot’s success – every user had face-to-face training and on-going support ensuring confidence and optimum engagement.
Results The CNS resolved 98% of calls. In most cases Hospice Line S1 was used. In cases where consent settings prevented access to S1 records, test results and medication were accessed via ICE/e-Searcher. Evaluation of user experience was collected via an online survey to maximise responses (Cook, Wittich, Daniels, et al. J Med Internet Res. 2016;18(9):e244). Users agreed that:
Information was easily found on Hospice Line S1 for 85% calls (100% from week 7).
Advice was easily documented for 97% calls (100% from week 7).
Conclusion The pilot provides assurance that our record sharing infrastructure works. The use of Hospice Line S1 will be extended and the next stage of integrating our telephone support services is in progress.