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31 A quality improvement project to assess the proportion of waste when giving subcutaneous morphine derivatives
  1. Yasmin Parkin,
  2. Allison Warren and
  3. Stephanie Killick
  1. Winchester Hospice, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Background To determine quantity of medication discarded when giving a subcutaneous controlled drug (CD). There are multiple reviews and pledges to reduce overprescribing of medications1 and recognising the increasing prescribing of opioids in the UK.2 3 There are limited reviews of the amount that is wasted from opening a vial and having to discard leftovers.

Method This data spans January 2023, collected from CD record books at Winchester Hospice, a 10 bed unit. It focused on subcutaneous morphine derivates including morphine (10 mg/ml, 20 mg/ml, 30 mg/ml), oxycodone (10 mg/ml, 20 mg/2 ml, 50 mg/ml), and alfentanil (2 mg/ml). The data recorded a patient pseudonym, the date and time of drug administration, whether medication was given as required (PRN) or as a continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSCI), the quantity given and discarded.


  • For PRN doses, more medication was wasted than given (60% of morphine 10 mg/ml, 70% oxycodone 10 mg/ml).

  • There were multiple examples of repeat PRN’s being given at the same dose over 24 hours.

  • It was only once recorded that a PRN was administered and a CSCI set up at the same time using the same vial.

  • Some medications are more expensive than others (i.e. morphine 20 mg/ml, £17 a vial)

  • 23% of the value of morphine derivates used in the hospice was wasted (total value of morphine derivatives given totalled £315.89; total wasted totalled £95.92)

ResultsAction: This lead to:

  • Discussions with pharmacy – 20 mg/ml morphine vials discontinued due to significant cost differences and reviews if smaller vial sizes would be available (none identified)

  • Discussions with the palliative team – to ensure there is a range for PRN doses and to escalate these if required, to consider whether the patient requires a PRN when setting up a CSCI and to use the same vial if so, and for prescribers to consider cost and quantities being used when prescribing.





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