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P-159 Better together. Patient safety incident response framework (PSIRF) through a collaborative approach
  1. Karolyn Hallam
  1. Isabel Hospice, Welwyn Garden City, UK


Background Ensuring patient safety is vital (Vincent. The essentials of patient safety. Notes on introduction. 2011). The PSIRF (Patient Safety Incident Response Framework) was launched by NHS England (August 2022) and sets out a new approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes in response to patient safety incidents. The value of collaboration to implement PSIRF was agreed at a hospice regional leader meeting. The importance of collaboration is highlighted in the national Ambitions Framework (Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care, 2021).

Aims Link with local hospices to achieve:

  • Feedback on materials shared.

  • Share thoughts and ideas on implementation plans.

  • Highlight issues and barriers to implementation.

  • Shared incident response plan and policy.

  • Shared learning and networking.

Method In October 2022, the Quality Leads of local hospices were invited to join our patient safety specialist hospice forum. Initially, four hospices responded, and we held our first meeting in February 2023. Challenges of PSIRF were discussed for smaller providers and a joint proportionate approach agreed. A further three hospices joined and collectively we examined three years of safety incidents and complaints which resulted in common safety themes identified. A patient safety lead from an ICB attended one meeting and one hospice shared an explanatory presentation for their Board of Trustees, so that we were all delivering the same message.

Results The group identified: Key stakeholders; Key lead roles; Training needs and providers. And developed: PSIRF implementation project plan; Hospice incident profile; Incident response plan.

Conclusion The group has been an example of open collaboration to problem solve, learn and work together to achieve a united goal. We have been breaking down each task so that it is a series of smaller challenges rather than one large overwhelming one. Our next challenge will be how hospices can involve patient safety partners and engaging families and staff. We are planning to continue working together post PSIRF implementation to improve learning opportunities.

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