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P-108 Virtual Schwartz rounds – do they work?
  1. Nikki Reed,
  2. Amy McNaughton-Brown,
  3. Laura Davies and
  4. Sarah Wells
  1. Marie Curie Hospice Midlands, Solihull, UK


Background Schwartz rounds provide a structured forum where staff (clinical and non-clinical), can come together to discuss the social and emotional aspects of working within healthcare. Prior to the pandemic the Schwartz Rounds at Marie Curie Hospice West Midlands were delivered face-to-face on site at the hospice. Since 2020 we have seen a changing landscape with an increase in the use of virtual interaction as well as an increase in the number of people working from home. As well as this, the need to support the health and wellbeing of those working in healthcare has never been so paramount. Marie Curie employs hundreds of non-clinical support staff who work across the UK. They can feel disconnected from the exceptional hands-on care that Marie Curie prides itself on.

Aim To promote compassionate care and improve staff and volunteer wellbeing across a national healthcare organisation.

Method Facilitated Microsoft Teams meetings were initially trialled locally. These received such positive feedback that regular bi-monthly virtual Schwartz Rounds were established. Over the last two years the invitation to attend these meetings has been extended to colleagues working across the whole of national Marie Curie and includes both staff and volunteers. Each session is anonymously evaluated, and the Schwartz steering group review this feedback, plan future topics, facilitators for each session and discuss potential storyteller opportunities.

Results Feedback from March 2023: 90% would recommend attending a Schwartz round to a colleague. 100% said that they would attend Schwartz Round again. 80% scored the round ‘exceptional’ and the other 20% scored it as ‘excellent’.

Conclusion There was initial apprehension from the team to moving the Schwartz Rounds virtually, but thus far the feedback has been nothing but positive. It allows inclusion of regional staff and volunteers who are not on site at the hospice as well as the ability for our national colleagues to attend.

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