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Background Children’s hospice patients are likely to experience complex/challenging transitions to adulthood, involving multiple specialties/services (Together For Short Lives, 2023). Feedback informed us that our patients also faced multiple challenges in their wider transition to adulthood, and their needs in relation to this were not being met elsewhere.
Aims To develop a Transition Service which was holistic, young person (YP) focused, and did not focus on a move from one set of services to another but looked at transition in a wider context.
Methods General service user feedback informed the structure of the first workshop, and subsequent workshops were designed by those in attendance (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Transition From children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services. 2016, [NG43]). The event was a ‘one-stop transition shop’, with each event including;
Presentation from an expert speaker (e.g. a solicitor spoke about Court of Protection and Lasting Power of Attorney, Beacon presented around applying for Continuing Health Care Funding).
1:1 support from our Transition Lead Nurse and Wellbeing Staff.
Peer support for both young people and their parents/carers.
Expert guests from Havens Hospices Adult Services to speak informally to young people and their families.
Results Positive feedback and continued good uptake have informed service developments:
Partnership work with a youth group provider to run a youth group complementary to the workshops.
The development of a Transition Timeline giving an overview of wider, holistic ‘Transition Topics’ and the stages at which they occur.
A Transition Zone within our website (including videos, signposting and resources).
Conclusion Young people with complex transition needs require a person-centred, holistic approach, which hospice services are well placed to deliver. Transition services should be ‘woven’ into all elements of care and should be person-centred rather than service-centred. Families can feel overwhelmed with the amount of transition information from a variety of sources and need to be empowered to coordinate and understand this.