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PP19.004 End-of-life care capacity building program – training to healthcare professionals to facilitate ACP
  1. Faye Man-Yu Chan
  1. CUHK Institiute of Ageing, Hong Kong


Background Advance care planning (ACP) has the potential to address patients’ end-of-life care needs. ACP is relatively new to the public in Hong Kong, but older adults and patients with progressive and life-limiting illnesses are beginning to embrace the concept. As such, frontline healthcare professionals need to have a good understanding of the concepts as well as the skills to initiate such conversation. The end-of-life care (EOLC) capacity-building program of the Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is part of the Jockey Club End-of-life Community Care Project since 2015. It has been training healthcare professionals of the public hospitals in the New Territories East Cluster. And since 2022, the training sessions are extended to the Hong Kong West and East Clusters. Although the Hospital Authority has guidelines for clinicians in promoting ACP to the appropriate patients, there are barriers. Through the EOLC program, training sessions relating to ACP have been implemented to enhance the clinician’s knowledge and skills. The participants’ feedback on the ACP training can be used to enhance the quality of future training.

Methods Data of the evaluation feedback of the participants from 2020–2022 in ACP are analyzed and summarized.

Results The results are categorized in terms of the quality of the training, knowledge, and skills in ACP, and application to clinical settings.

Conclusion The overall quality and practicality of the training were well received. There is an enhancement in both knowledge and skills in addressing the training needs of healthcare professionals in ACP.

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