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51  Changing needs and geographical variation in palliative care for lung cancer
  1. Mark Robinson,
  2. Justin Robinson,
  3. Andy Pring and
  4. Julia Verne
  1. Healthcare Variation and Value Team, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care, London, UK


Introduction 26,935 people died from lung lancer (2020) in England. 1 year survival remains low, so palliative care remains a critical part of care for lung cancer patients.

Aims To use national linked Office for National Statistics mortality and hospital episode statistics (ONS-HES) to describe variation in geographical need and opportunities for improving palliative care (PC) for lung cancer patients.

Methods A sub-set of an ONS-HES linked mortality dataset for England with people who died with lung cancer as the underlying cause (ICD-10 C33–34) was analysed for: age at death, gender, need for early PC (1-year survival), and proxy indicators of quality: place of death, >3 emergency admissions in last 90 days (3+EAs), seen by Palliative Care Team (PCT) in final admission.

Results Provisional results. 51% of people dying from lung cancer in 2020 were aged >75 years and 47% female. Both age at death and% females have increased significantly over the past 2 decades. One year survival (2019) varied across CCGS from 40.2–57.7%. The% of lung cancer patients dying at home in England jumped from 33.3% (2019) to 44.0% (2020), home becoming the commonest place for the first time. However, this varied 31.6–57.2% across CCGs. 3+EAs dropped from 12.6% (2019) to 10.5% (2020) but significant variation persistent across NHS Regions 9.5–12.0%. The% seen by (PCT) in final hospital episode increased from 33.2% (2012) to 45.5% (2019), varying 21.3–62.1% across CCGS.

Conclusions Analysis of national and local data demonstrates the need for and quality of PC for lung cancer patients.

Impact Commissioners and providers should note: increasing females and >75 years patients, variation in final admission PCT input and need for early PC (1-year survival).

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