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P-207 School’s out for summer, so come and join mountbatten’s summer school
  1. Linda Prendergast and
  2. Louise Pickford
  1. Mountbatten Hospice, Newport, UK


Background Mountbatten strategy provides an opportunity to challenge perceptions about death, dying and hospice care and has been used to form a summer school training programme. Additionally, this programme enables young people to learn about and experience a wide range of careers available at our hospice, thus building our workforce of the future.

Aim To engage young people in a summer school programme, providing an opportunity to meet various Mountbatten professionals and receive information on many of the 250 career opportunities available across the NHS and Social Care sector and to demystify and engage young people in conversations about hospice care.


  • Engagement with all local six form schools, training enterprises and colleges for those aged 16 years and above.

  • Participation in a 3-day interactive programme including a mix of practical workshops and information sessions that was rewarded with a detailed certificate of attendance.

  • Further opportunities presented for volunteering or work experience.

  • Provided an insight to both clinical services and supportive services, for example, Human Resources, communication, and fundraising.

Results Students noted how their perceptions of hospice care and the hospice building were positively challenged during their summer school experience. Furthermore, students reported increased knowledge of a range of career opportunities and confidence in embracing work opportunities and pursuing career choices. Students also valued the opportunity to submit a formal application and develop a CV for future use. Qualitative and quantitative data from the two programmes run in summer 2021 and from a further programme in 2022 will be presented.

Conclusion Students took away valuable information to guide and support them with future career choices. Many expressed an interest to volunteer as they gained an insight into hospice care, providing the opportunity to challenge pre-existing pre-conceptions about the hospice building and hospice care. The programme ended with a more engaged and confident group of students who took away a unique experience.

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