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P-105 Opening the doors to widen access via the hospice community drop-in café
  1. Julie Waite and
  2. Sharan Watson
  1. Treetops Hospice, Derby, UK


Background Service evaluation identified attendance within the support and information service was below expected levels. Although underuse of health services is common, this could contribute to significant suffering (Berwick & Fox, 2017. Milbank Q. 83: 691). Prior to the pandemic, this service was offered by appointment only. To improve the quality and delivery of better care, services needed to adapt and change to meet the comprehensive health and wellbeing of local populations by becoming more personalised.

Aims To remove appointment-led consultations and develop a drop-in support and information café. This initiative was relevant in removing barriers, whereby people could access the service in a time that’s personalised for them (Hawley, 2017. Palliat Care. 10).

Methods Stakeholder groups were engaged early in the initiative to facilitate collaboration and to increase support. The integrated team were: Management, Volunteers, Staff, and Other health professionals.

Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected for the purpose of analysing results:

  • Likert Scale.

  • Evaluation forms.

  • Thematic analysis.

A mixed method approach was used to understand contradictions in results to ensure the findings were grounded in participants’ experiences (Tashakkori & Creswell, 2007. J Mix Methods Res. 1: 207).

Results An upward shift in attendance demonstrated that the service improvement had been successful. The dominant attendee type was the person affected by a life-limiting illness. The desired impact was achieved with high attendance figures, showing not only a need for this service but the quality and effectiveness of this service through feedback.

Conclusion This exciting innovation is ongoing due to the needs of the service pre, during and post pandemic. This is to ensure people feel supported and have access to services in a timelier way.

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