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P-74 Raising the profile of equality and diversity across St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice services
  1. Kerry Bareham and
  2. Kat Collette
  1. St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice, Lincoln, UK


Background St Barnabas Hospice is committed to promoting inclusivity and accessibility for all people who need our services. We are committed to addressing inequalities which may prevent people accessing Hospice care in Lincolnshire across the communities we proudly serve by making equality, diversity, and inclusion part of everything that we do.

Our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) forum worked across three key workstreams to deliver the following priorities and outcomes:

  • Embed ED&I into the governance structure of the hospice through the collection of demographic information via a SystmOne template.

  • Demographic data report to be published in April 2022.

Data is now reviewed at monthly Clinical Directorate meetings as of April 2021.


  • Raised awareness, facilitated reflection, and encouraged discussion regarding the data and has informed further QI developments.

  • ED&I are now standing or regular items in a variety of different meetings/senior forums.

OutcomesAn EDI curriculum was developed with clinical staff in the summer of 2020 covering 6 key topics identified as learning needs. EDI is now a core part of annual mandatory training.


  • Increased discussions at multidisciplinary team meetings regarding patient and families protected characteristics and how this needs to inform holistic assessment and person-centred care planning.

  • Increased awareness of the value of understanding demographic data in mitigating social injustice and health inequalities, through service improvement.

  • Identified need to understand our demographic data barrier to consistent recording.

OutcomesIn February 2022 the ‘Purple List’ play was made available for our staff, volunteers and other stakeholders, with a live Q&A session with the director and actor. This is a dramatized resource explored in the context of the past and current prejudice within our society and the lived experience of members of our LGBTQ+ community. Feedback demonstrated that the people who attended had learned from the resource and it had allowed people to reflect on their working practices.

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