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P-164 Digital acceleration: embracing a virtual education programme
  1. Jackie Bennett
  1. Mountbatten Hampshire Hospice, Southampton, UK


Introduction Mountbatten Hampshire Education Team wanted to seek an alternative way of delivering education when all face-to-face training was cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the virtual education programme was to enable health and social care providers to access end-of-life education and for staff to be feel supported as well as continuing to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Method We had to decide on a method of delivery that would be achievable for staff to attend. We took into consideration the effects of the pandemic and the impact it was having on staff/organisations. It was decided that staff could potentially engage for two-hour bite size sessions on a range of end-of-life topics including, for example, care of the dying and symptom control. The core themes were developed from our existing programmes plus new adapted training. We wanted the sessions to be live for chat engagement and collaboration with others and Microsoft Teams was decided to be the platform for delivery to support live facilitation, chat, breakout rooms and presentation/video communication options.

Results Data are presented [in the conference poster] in relation to attendee numbers, the range of access, i.e., groups and individuals accessing training, along with quality survey information.

Discussion/Conclusion The results indicate that despite the pandemic our education sessions have reached many and interest in training has remained high. The virtual method of delivery has also enabled new interest in Mountbatten’s training offer. Staff from various health and social care providers both trained and untrained signed up as well as internal staff. The value placed on learning together has been maintained through an online facilitator and is demonstrated through quality ratings. Challenges are discussed in relation to managing technological issues and learning new methods of engagement. Virtual training is now an integral part of the education service which is continuing to develop.

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