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P-30 Life’s questions training manuals: hospices, schools and communities talking death, loss and grief
  1. Lisa Patterson
  1. St Nicholas Hospice Care, Bury St Edmunds, UK


Background Life’s Questions (LQ) tested for feasibility, acceptability and appropriateness of the intervention delivery and manual to support a ‘train the trainer model’ to expand the reach and impact of LQ. Need to spread the skills and expertise of the hospice in a community development programme to include and empower school-aged children in the national strategy to be ‘ready, willing and confident to have conversations about living and dying well and to support each other in emotional and practical ways’ (Abel, Sallnow, Murray et al., 2016).

Aim The primary aim is to increase scale and reach on a national level with designed, implemented and evaluated branded comprehensive manuals for both the Lead and volunteers extending the LQ project across a national platform. The hospice will act as a hub for resources and delivery support for all Leads in the future.

Method Sixteen new intake of volunteers followed the volunteer manual and three followed the Lead manual to ensure appropriateness of content, style, structure, understanding, efficacy, fidelity and integrity. Planning and working parties with marketing, researcher and deputy head teachers to complete final documentation and resource availability through website password-protected access.

Results Feedback included: ‘Great practical session, feel better equipped to engage’ ; ‘Inspiring, interesting’ ; ‘Makes me want to work with the people who attended’ .

Conclusion NHS England produced participation guidance to support the Dying Matters coalition in its work to promote public awareness and conversations about dying, death and bereavement (NHS England, 2014). Similarly, The National End of Life Care Partnership Ambitions (2015-2020) recommends that hospices engage in community development programmes, Ambition 6. These manuals ensure sustainability nationally. LQ is in keeping with the NHS comprehensive model of personalised care and involving volunteers in new ways is encouraged in the NHS Long Term Plan by encouraging our communities to take part in conversations with all school-aged children (NHS England – Comprehensive model of personalised care, 2021; NHS long term plan, 2019).

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