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60 Critical care and palliative care: a liasion QIP
  1. N Gunawardena and
  2. J Bichard
  1. North Middlesex Hospital


Background and Introduction The NMUH Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPCT) were finding that patients discharged from Critical Care with a treatment escalation plan ‘Not for readmission to ITU/HDU’ were experiencing high levels of suffering on the wards for several days prior to SPCT review. They were also dying within the same hospital admission and not reaching their preferred place of care. The team proposed the idea of having all patients from this group referred at point of CRC discharge which would give these patients faster access to expert symptom control, advanced care planning and transfers to preferred place of care.

Method A baseline audit conducted on all patients discharged from CRC from 1/1/18–30/11/18 revealed that only 14% of patients with a TEP form ‘Not for admission to ITU/HDU’ were referred to SPCT at point of CRC discharge. Over 7 months several interventions were implemented through monthly PDSA cycles to improve the referral rate. This included emails sent to CRC staff, palliative care teaching at the CRC educational sessions and training of the critical care outreach team in making SPCT referrals.

Results Overall there was an improvement of referral rate of this group of patients to SPCT from 14% to 70% during the 7 months where the interventions took place. Moreover, the increasing collaboration between the two teams through this QIP culminated in the introduction of a palliative care representative at the weekly CRC MDT meeting.

Conclusions While an overall improvement in referral rate to SPCT was established it remains to be seen whether patient outcomes have improved due to this change. Thus a case note review will be conducted to assess this. Rotation of juniors in CRCmeans that the educational interventions need to be recycled biannually to keep up referral rate.

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