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£30 m investment in children and young people's palliative care – taking up the challenge
  1. Katrina McNamara
  1. ACT, Bristol, UK


In 2007, Professor Sir Alan Craft led an independent review that identified variation in the availability of children's palliative care services and issues around their sustainability. In June 2010, Department of Health (DH) announced the availability of up to £30 million is being made available to help children's hospices, networks and other providers develop local children's palliative care projects and help to address the key issues set out in the Craft report.

This presentation aims to set out the developments achieved by ACT, the UK children's palliative care organisation following the successful application to the DH in England for funding.

Over 400 projects were successful in their bids for funding. ACT's successful bids included:

  • Extubation care pathway and parents' critical care leaflet

  • Symptom control manual and formulary

  • Children's palliative care handbook for GPs

  • Family Companion update and film.

ACT has also worked in partnership with BLISS to further work on neonatal activity and with Children's Hospice UK to roll-out a programme of Square Table events to facilitate local debates about key issues in children's palliative care.

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