Table 1

Search strategy

DatabasesAlgorithmRecords 1998 to 2018+2018 to 2020
((“amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” (Title/Abstract) OR “motor neuron disease” (Title/Abstract) OR “motor neurone disease” (Title/Abstract) OR “ALS” (Title/Abstract) OR “MND” (Title/Abstract)) AND (“hasten death” OR “hastening death” OR withhold* OR withdraw* OR euthanasia OR suicide OR (“decision-making” AND “end of life”) OR (“palliative care” AND ethics) OR (“mechanical ventilation” AND ethics) OR “advance care planning” OR “advance directives”)) NOT (placebo OR mouse OR rat OR “animal model”)854+187
LIVIVO – The Search Portal for Life Sciences
Cochrane Library
ProQuest Social Sciences
((“amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” OR “motor neuron disease” OR “motor neurone disease” OR “ALS” OR “MND”) AND (“hasten death” OR “hastening death” OR withhold* OR withdraw* OR euthanasia OR suicide OR (“decision-making” AND “end of life”) OR (“palliative care” AND ethics) OR (“mechanical ventilation” AND ethics) OR “advance care planning” OR “advance directives”)) NOT (placebo OR mouse OR rat OR “animal model”)314+86
BELIT(“amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” OR “motor neuron disease” OR “motor neurone disease” OR “MND”)121+4
CareLit“Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose” OR “Motoneuronerkrankung”17+18