Table 3

Comparison between Δ means: clinical and statistical significance

Δ means T1–T0 (SD)
in FT and ST
Clinical significanceΔ means
T1–T0; FT vs ST (Δ %)
Statistical significance(p<0.05*)
Quality of life—SEIQoL-DW index (0–100)
Higher scores=better QoL
FT=+12.8 (12.8)20.19 (20.2%)*
ST=−7.4 (19.3)
Pain (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−0.76 (3.2)−2.41 (24.1%)*
ST=+1.65 (3.4)
Breathlessness (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−1.57 (2.9)−2.26 (22.6%)*
ST=+0.69 (3.1)
Sleep disturbance (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−1.61 (3.2)−2.14 (21.4%)*
ST=+0.52 (3.2)
Urinary symptoms (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−2.09 (2.8)−1.74 (17.4%)
ST=−0.35 (4.4)
Bowel symptoms (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−1.90 (4.1)−2.07 (20.7%)
ST=+0.17 (3.3)
Oral symptoms (0–10)
Lower score=lower symptom
FT=−0.81 (3.1)−1.24 (12.4%)
ST=+0.43 (3.3)
Feeling abandoned (0–10)
Higher scores=lower distress
FT=+0.45 (3.7)0.67 (6.7%)
ST=−0.22 (3.9)
Coping with the disease (0–10)
Higher scores=better coping
FT=+0.30 (3.6)−0.92 (9.2%)
ST=+1.22 (2.8)
Meaning (0–10)
Higher scores=higher meaning
FT=+0.50 (3.6)1.45 (14.5%)
ST=−0.95 (3.9)
Help from faith (0–10)
Higher scores=better support
FT=0.0 (1.8)0.31 (3.1%)
ST=−0.31 (2.6)
Sense of social isolation (patient 0–10)
Higher scores=lower sense of isolation
FT=+1.35 (3.7)2.39 (23.9%)
ST=−1.04 (4.7)
Service satisfaction (patient 0–10)
Higher scores=higher satisfaction
FT=+0.85 (3.8)1.37 (13.7%)
ST=−0.52 (2.1)
Sense of social isolation (carers 0–10)
Higher scores=lower sense of isolation
FT=+0.50 (4.4)0.78 (7.8%)
ST=−0.28 (4.7)
Service satisfaction (carers 0–10)
Higher scores=higher satisfaction
FT=+1.25 (3.8)1.34 (13.4%)
ST=−0.09 (2.6)
Caregiver burden of care CBI index (0–96)
Lower score=lower burden of care
FT=−4.20 (10.0)−4.93 (5.1%)
ST=+0.73 (9.37)
  • Clinical significance:

    • Δ=is the numerical difference in the mean score T1–T0 between the FT and ST groups.

    • Δ %=is the difference in the percentage of the mean score T1–T0 between the FT and ST groups.

      • – ≥20% is considered as a relevant significant difference.

      • – 10–19% is considered as a moderate clinical significance.

      • – <10% no clinical difference.

  • *Statistical significance: Significant at p<0.05 level.

  • CBI, Caregivers Burden Inventory; FT, fast track; SEIQoL-DW, Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life Direct Weight; ST, standard track.