Table 1

Content of SKIPP measure at Times 1 and 2

DomainMeasured by:Time measured
Time 1Time 2
Quality of life (QoL) NOW7-point numerical rating scale from EORTC-Q15-C-15-PALTodayToday
QoL RETROSPECTIVE7-point numerical rating scale from EORTC-Q15-C-15-PALWeek before coming to the serviceAt time 1
Concerns—retrospectivePatients asked:
  1. if had concerns or difficulties

  2. for three main concerns, if any

Week before coming to the service
Concerns—nowPatients asked:
  1. if they had concerns or difficulties

  2. for three main concerns, if any

Impact on concernsFor each one, has there been any change::
Things got much better,
A little better,
No change
A little worse
Much worse
Since coming to the serviceSince time 1
Impact of serviceHas service made a difference to how things are going for you at present:
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little bit
No, not much
Not at all
Not sure
Since coming to the serviceSince time 1
  • SKIPP, St Christopher's Index of Patient Priorities.