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P-110  Implementing rehabilitative palliative care – a team approach
  1. Nicola Silk
  1. Douglas Macmillan Hospice, Stoke on Trent, UK


Background Following the publication of Hospice UK’s rehabilitative palliative care document (2015), it was highlighted that the hospice could challenge its current practice and welcome change with regards to rehabilitative palliative care. Whilst providing holistic, person-centred specialist services it was identified that the hospice could better tailor services for patients who were appropriate for this level of intervention.

Aim Develop the “Improving Care group in Rehabilitative Palliative Care” to identify and implement aspects of rehabilitative palliative care in and around the hospice.

Method A team of multidisciplinary staff from the in-patient unit, day therapy unit and the community led by the physiotherapist and including nursing staff, social work, allied health professionals and medics used the rehabilitative palliative care document and checklist to highlight all areas of concern or where further work would be beneficial and prioritise their actions accordingly

Result Monthly meetings were held and focus groups on separate topics were created.

Communication – Including handovers, leaflets for patients and relative, information boards, admission and discharge documentation

Goal Setting – Patient-focused goal setting documentation to be created, incorporated into weekly MDT and adapted in line with requirements

Rehabilitation care plans – care plan development with a focus on enabling patients facilitating independence and self-management

Environment – ensuring all hospice areas are enabling and facilitate independence and normality.

Education – Sharing information, knowledge and skills to support staff to change in practice.

Activities – Offer activities encouraging patients to access communal areas and interacting in activities

Admissions/Discharges – Ensuring information sharing with regards to admission and discharging patients is accurate and effective to ensure all aspects of care are appropriate

Conclusion Working as a team, the hospice staff have been able to successfully identify areas for change and work effectively to implement aspects of rehabilitative palliative care. This work is ongoing to make a difference to patients in our care.

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