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P-145 One response – partnership, coordination and innovation in end of life care – the future in action
  1. Deb Hickey
  1. St Luke's Hospice, Basildon, UK


One Response is a new coordinating service for palliative and end of life care in South West Essex (population 420,000): collaboratively staffed and funded, this unique model of service provision has enabled integrated working between a range of providers (hospices, Marie Curie, Community Macmillan Services) under St Luke’s Hospice umbrella.

Similar models are emerging nationally, however high levels of partnership identify this model as unique, allowing work across borders/services in a way that addresses national and local drivers:

  • Single contact point for all palliative/end of life care

  • Assessment, support and advice, including Clinical Nurse Specialists with capacity for rapid response 24/7

  • Specialist support for decision making o Increased choice in place of care/death

  • Preventing avoidable admissions

  • Supporting rapid discharge

There has been interest at local, regional and national level in One Response, which moves beyond ‘seamless’ to a ‘co-joined’ care delivery model. The 2 local CCGs fully support this model financially and personally, working closely with St Luke’s and taking a risk by committing new funding to it.

Launched in November 2014 with 8,356 calls to date – 1,366 from families/carers, 473 rapid response visits, and 172 avoided admissions; One Response has been a catalyst for looking at system wide issues, including terminal discharge and Fast Track. Professionals are beginning to feedback they can see real change and improvement.

OneResponse has experienced staff on duty 24/7 with CNS support 7 days and End of Life Care team 5 days/week.

“...all the organisations working together as ‘One Response’ is to be commended.... it was a privilege to have.... nursed her at home and to be with her to the very end.... we could not have done it without the care and support of the combined One Response team”

(Service User testimony)

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