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P-132 Day hospice dependency – so much more than a number. using an adapted tool to measure patient dependency
  1. Fiona Wordley
  1. Rennie Grove Hospice Care, St Albans, UK


Following a review of the Day Hospice structure, the patient numbers had increased but it was also felt the patient dependency with relation to needs had increased too. Present statistical analysis did not demonstrate patient dependency and a tool was required that would capture dependency, staffing levels and other pertinent information.

Research uncovered very few appropriate tools for use in a Day Hospice setting and no one tool could be applied to all fields. It appeared that this was also a difficulty amongst other Hospices. As a result, adaptations were made to a tool originally developed by St Gemma’s Hospice in Leeds.

The engagement of the Day Hospice team was vital, so the tool was shared with them, the rationale explained and further consideration then revolved around additional data capture required. The tool was then adapted further, reviewed again by the team and the start of a pilot trial period was agreed.

Following the 3 month pilot, all the captured data was entered electronically onto an excel spreadsheet enabling analysis to be made and a detailed report produced explaining the rationale, process and the collated outcomes. A wide range of valuable data was captured which can also be graphically presented for ease of comparison.

Staff expressed finding the tool easy to use and felt it demonstrated not only the number of patients cared for but also the breadth and complexity of the work undertaken within the Day Hospice setting, and gave clear insight into the patient dependencies throughout the pilot period.

Use of the tool has continued beyond the pilot period in order to maintain statistical analysis which can be used to identify staffing/patient levels and constraints.

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