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P108 The transition taskforce - Making the difference for young people with life-limiting conditions
  1. David Strudley and
  2. Lizzie Chambers
  1. Together for Short Lives Transition Taskforce


Background Context Recent research from Leeds University shows there is a far greater number of young people who would benefit from palliative care, than previously believed. The study shows that the number of young people aged 16-19 with life-limiting conditions is growing and has increased by 44.8% over the past 10 years. Services, including hospices, do not currently serve this growing population of young people and their families well.

Aim The project aims to make a real and tangible difference to the experience of young people with life-limiting conditions as they make the transition to adult services.

Approach Used Building on the growing evidence base, in particular findings from the STEPP Project, the project will adopt a two-pronged action-focussed approach to putting research and policy into practice:

  • At national level, developing guidance, raising awareness, providing training and support for adult providers ensuring that the ‘push’ from children’s services is balanced by a ‘pull’ from adult services.

  • At local/regional level, supporting the development of services and partnerships between children’s and adult services, so that the research and good practice that exists is implemented on the ground and disseminated nationally.

Outcomes The outcomes of the project will be that:

  • young people and their families have more choice and control to make informed decisions about their care

  • children’s and adult services in the voluntary and statutory sector work together to support young people through transition

  • wider services, such as housing, education, employment and independent living provide services that meet the needs of young people with life-limiting conditions

Application to Hospice Practice Adult hospice services can learn how to plan and deliver the care that young adults with life-limiting conditions need.

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