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Clinical Innovation & Audit: Poster Numbers 111 – 141 – Planning care: Poster No: 126
Planning ahead
  1. Helen Taylor and
  2. Jonathan Pearce
  1. Hospice of the Valleys


The Hospice of the Valleys has long since recognised the importance of patients dying in their preferred place of care; however until recently there was no formal documentation. The document developed, between myself as a clinical nurse specialist and a social worker, is entitled ‘Planning Ahead’ which allows patients and families to discuss and plan future care. The Gold Standards Framework has recently commenced within a local GP practice, which the author is assigned to. One important component is that of planning for the patients identified within the framework, and planning ahead for their care. The introduction of the ‘Planning Ahead’ document would empower the patient to make decisions about what their wishes are at end of life, and their preferred place of care. This document is also a form of communication for other health professionals to be aware of patient's choice. The plan is to present the Planning Ahead document at this conference, and subsequently a study is to be undertaken as part of the clinical nurse specialist dissertation for the MsC in Advance Practice in palliative care. The study will look into the effectiveness of the documents use within our organisation.

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