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Oral Abstracts - Concurrent Session 1 Systems and Community Engagement
The ‘heart’ of the matter: that's where advance care planning engagement begins
  1. W Robinson1 and
  2. S Grant2
  1. 1Providence Health Care, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  2. 2Advance Care Planning Facilitator, Langley, BC, Canada


As we look at best practice and research in ACP, we must not overlook the humanity and vulnerability we share with our colleagues, our patients and their families - the key to ACP engagement. ACP is about expressing wishes, values and beliefs for care at a time when people are most vulnerable, perhaps unable to communicate for themselves, and perhaps approaching death. It is the inevitability that we all will face, personally and with loved ones. When we share personal stories about ACP with health care professionals and the patients and families we serve, a synergy of personal stories and engagement emerges. Stemming from our ACP discussions with patients and families, and the experience of program implementation and ACP facilitation education with physicians and staff, this presentation will illustrate that it is through stories that speak to our common vulnerability and humanity that health care professionals are inspired to incorporate ACP more fully into their clinical practice, and patients and families ‘get’ the importance of talking about their future health care wishes.

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